This is the chapter of Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming: Case Studies in Common Lisp (PAIP) that dives into Common Lisp syntax.
The chapter starts with a quote by Guy L. Steele, Jr.:
No doubt about it. Common Lisp is a big language.
There is a lot to Common Lisp. In this chapter Norvig shows us the subset of Lisp he uses in his book.
There are six maxims every programmer should know about:
instead of if
if there is only one clause.)first-name
method when dealing with a list of names.)(let [x 6
y (* x x)]
(+ x y)) ; => 42
Show a lambda
expression that is equivalent to the above let*
expression. You may need more than one lambda
((fn [x]
((fn [y] (+ x y))
(* x x)))
6) ; => 42
The function cons
can be seen as a special case of one of the other functions listed previously. Which one?
. See:
(= (list* 1 '(2 3 4))
(cons 1 '(2 3 4))) ; => true
Write a function that will print an expression in dotted pair notation. Use the built-in function princ
to print each component of the expression.
Note: princ
prints suitable output without escape characters and binds some values to special Common Lisp parameters. I use Clojure's print
Dotted pair notation is used in Lisps to show we are dealing with an improper list: a linked list where the second element of a cell is not a list. This is notated with a dotted pair. E.g., (cons 1 2) ; => '(1 . 2)
Clojure has no dotted pair notation since it avoids the linked list data structure and uses the abstraction of the sequence. See sequences:
For a list (special type of sequence) we can introduce dotted pair notation. To do so we need a method that can check for elements that have a single value (e.g., 1, :a). Elements which are therefore not a sequence.A seq is a logical list, and unlike most Lisps where the list is represented by a concrete, 2-slot structure, Clojure uses the ISeq interface to allow many data structures to provide access to their elements as sequences.
I used the following method from an answer on Stack Overflow to check if a method is single-valued (or an atom
in other Lisps than Clojure).
(defn single-valued?
"Checks if value is single-valued."
(not (or (nil? x)
(.. x getClass isArray)
(some #(instance? % x) [clojure.lang.Counted
Next we can create a case analysis and recursively generate a dotted-pair representation of a sequence.
(declare create-dotted-pair)
(defn create-dotted-pair-rest
"Creates dotted pair string representation for the rest of a list."
(str " . " (create-dotted-pair lst)))
(defn create-dotted-pair
"Creates dotted-pair string representation of list."
(cond (single-valued? lst) (str lst)
(empty? lst) (str "'()")
(seq? lst) (str "("
(create-dotted-pair (first lst))
(create-dotted-pair-rest (rest lst))
:else (str lst)))
(defn print-dotted-pair
"Prints dotted-pair string representation of list."
(print (create-dotted-pair lst)))
This works as follows for a list created by a chain of cons cells, the shorter notation for a list, and for a nested list:
(print-dotted-pair (cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 (cons 4 '())))))
; => (1 . (2 . (3 . (4 . '()))))
(print-dotted-pair '(1 2 3 4))
; => (1 . (2 . (3 . (4 . '()))))
(print-dotted-pair '(1 2 (3 4)))
; => (1 . (2 . ((3 . (4 . '())) . '())))
Write a function that, like the regular print
function, will print an expression in dotted pair notation when necessary but will use normal list notation when possible.
Dotted pair notation is only necessary when the rest
of a list is not a list. To implement this we have to make changes to the create-dotted-pair-rest
method. Unfortunately it is impossible to create an improper list with native Clojure data structures.
(cons 2 3) ; => IllegalArgumentException (because 3 is not a sequence)
This makes it impossible to write a test without implementing a linked list data structure in Clojure (like Max Countryman did). Therefore I'll skip this exercise.
Now the first hard exercise:
(Exercise in altering structure.) Write a program that will play the role of guesser in the game Twenty Questions. The user of the program will have in mind any type of thing. The program will ask questions of the user, which must be answered yes or no, or "it" when the program has guessed it. If the program runs out of guesses, it gives up and asks the user what "it" was. At first the program will not play well, but each time it plays, it will remember the user's replies and use them for subsequent guesses.
The idea seems to be that the program has a tree of questions and remembers the answer for each node.
To solve it we need state. For mutable state we create a map which we hold in an atom
I use the following map to build a tree of questions and answers:
(def questions-and-answers
"Questions and answers database atom.
Keywords are used to traverse the tree.
An answer needs to be non-existent (nil) or in the form of a string."
The program could be made more interesting if it was possible to add new questions and answers. This way the database of questions and answers can keep growing. For now, we just ask the questions and update if the user has an answer.
(defn get-remaining
"Gets the remaining questions and answers from the questions-and-answers database.
previous should be a vector of the previous questions and answers."
(if (empty? previous) @questions-and-answers
(get-in @questions-and-answers previous)))
(defn get-next-question
"Gets the next question from questions-and-answers
previous should be a vector of the previous questions and answers."
(-> previous get-remaining ffirst))
(defn further-questions?
"True if there is an answer for a question. False if not."
(if (empty? previous) true
(not (nil? (get-remaining previous)))))
(defn found-answer?
"True if we have found the answer."
(string? (get-remaining previous)))
(defn set-answer!
"Sets the answer to the value provided.
previous should be a vector of the previous questions and answers."
[previous answer]
(swap! questions-and-answers assoc-in previous answer))
(defn key->string
"Create a string of the answer of question key."
(-> (name key) (clojure.string/replace "_" " ") clojure.string/capitalize))
(defn string->key
"Create a key of the answer string."
(-> answer (clojure.string/replace " " "_") clojure.string/lower-case keyword))
(defn driver-loop
"Asks the questions, updates the answers.
previous is vector containing the previous questions."
([] (driver-loop [])) ; Start with no previous provided answers.
(let [question (get-next-question previous)
ask-it (println (key->string question)) ; ask-it is dummy variable to not create nested lets
answer (read)
print-answer (println answer) ; dummy, idem
previous (conj previous question (string->key answer))]
(cond (found-answer? previous)
(let [found-answer (get-remaining previous)]
(println (str "The answer is: " found-answer)))
(not (further-questions? previous))
(do (println "What was it?")
(let [given-answer (str (read))]
(println given-answer)
(set-answer! previous given-answer)
(println "Thank you.")))
:else (recur previous)))))
; (driver-loop)
Usage of the program looks like this:
The node in the tree is updated after an answer is given. The next time the same sequence of questions are answered the program responds with the answer the user added earlier. The representation is shown by dereferencing the atom.
(def a 'global-a)
(def ^:dynamic *b* 'global-b)
(def f (fn [] *b*))
(let [a 'local-a
*b* 'local-b]
(list a *b* (f) (var-get #'a) (var-get #'*b*)))
Given the initialization for the lexical variable a and the special variable *b* above, what will be the value of the 1st form?
This returns (local-a local-b global-b global-a global-b)
I translated the Common Lisp example from the book to Clojure. That example had different behavior. I hoped to see the dynamic scoping at work in (var-get #'*b*)
so that the shadowed *b*
was returned in the second position. I will probably figure out later how to do this.
Why do you think the leftmost of two keys is the one that counts, rather than the rightmost?
Quicker search to argument list and easier to cons up new value to the beginning of a list (in Common Lisp). The latter is not the case in Clojure with its vector argument lists.
Some versions of Kyoto Common Lisp (KCL) have a bug wherein they use the rightmost value when more than one keyword/value pair is specified for the same keyword. Change the definition of find-all so that it works in KCL.
(defn llast
"Gets second to last value."
(-> coll butlast last))
(defn get-value
"Finds the value for a key from right to left. Returns value or nil if key not found."
[key coll]
(cond (< (count coll) 2) nil
(= key (llast coll)) (last coll)
:else (recur key (drop-last 2 coll))))
(defn find-all
"Find all those elements of sequence that match item, according to the keywords.
Doesn't alter sequence."
[item coll & options]
(let [test-fn (or (get-value :test-fn options) '=)
key-fn (or (get-value :key-fn options) 'identity)
result (remove #(not (test-fn % item)) coll)
final-result (map key-fn result)]
(find-all 1 '(1 1 2 3 4 5 6) :test-fn = :key-fn inc :test-fn >)
returns '(3 4 5 6 7)
. The rightmost key-fn:
is used (>
Write a version of 1ength using the function reduce.
(defn length
"Finds the length of coll using the function reduce."
(reduce (fn [acc e] (inc acc)) coll))
Use a reference manual or describe to figure out what the functions lcm and nreconc do. lcm
finds the lowest common denominator and nreconc
does some sort of reversing. The first is available in Clojure contrib library, the second is not available in Clojure.
There is a built-in Common Lisp function that, given a key, a value, and an association list, returns a new association list that is extended to include the key/value pair. What is the name of this function?
Clojure's assoc does this:
(assoc {:other-key 'other-value} :key 'value) ; => {:other-key other-value, :key value}
Write a single expression using format that will take a list of words and print them as a sentence, with the first word capitalized and a period after the last word. You will have to consult a reference to learn new format directives.
I think this cannot be done by format. It can for example be done via clojure.string
(defn as-sentence
"Takes a list of words and creates a sentence with first word capitalized and period at end."
(str (clojure.string/capitalize (clojure.string/join " " word-list)) "."))
That's it. In Chapter 4 we will built a General Problem Solver.