After some vacation and working on other things I finally got round to Chapter 2 of Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming: Case Studies in Common Lisp (PAIP).
The chapter starts with a quote by the Italian royal historiographer Giovanni Battista Vico (1668-1744):
Certum quod factum.
For those that do not speak Latin, this is the rough translation: "One is certain only of what one builds."
In this chapter we build a more elaborate Lisp program and therefore live a more certain life. The program we will build generates random English sentences. In fancy terms we call the program generative syntax for a context-free phrase-structure grammar.
The original Common Lisp code from the book can be viewed here. First I translated this code to Clojure below.
(ns paip.simple
; Clojure translation of the Common Lisp code in Chapter 2.
; Original:
;;; Code translated from Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming
;;; Copyright (c) 1991 Peter Norvig
(defn one-of
"Pick one element of set, and make a list of it."
(-> set rand-nth list))
(def simple-grammar
"A grammar for a trivial subset of English"
{:sentence [[:noun-phrase :verb-phrase]]
:noun-phrase [[:article :noun]]
:verb-phrase [[:verb :noun-phrase]]
:article #{"the" "a"}
:noun #{"man" "ball" "woman" "table"}
:verb #{"hit" "took" "saw" "liked"}})
(def bigger-grammar
"A somewhat bigger grammar for a trivial subset of English"
{:sentence [[:noun-phrase :verb-phrase]]
:noun-phrase [[:article :adj* :noun :pp*] [:name] [:pronoun]]
:verb-phrase [[:verb :noun-phrase :pp*]]
:pp* [[] [:pp :pp*]]
:adj* [[] [:adj :adj*]]
:pp [[:prep :noun-phrase]]
:prep #{"to" "in" "by" "with" "on"}
:adj #{"big" "little" "blue" "green" "adiabatic"}
:article #{"the" "a"}
:name #{"Pat" "Kim" "Lee" "Terry" "Robin"}
:noun #{"man" "ball" "woman" "table"}
:verb #{"hit" "took" "saw" "liked"}
:pronoun #{"he" "she" "it" "these" "those" "that"}})
;;; ==============================
(def grammar
"The grammar used by generate. Initially, this is
simple-grammar, but we can switch to other grammars."
;;; ==============================
(defn rule-lhs
"The left hand side of a rule."
(->> rule keys (apply concat)))
(defn rule-rhs
"The right hand side of a rule."
(->> rule vals (apply concat)))
(defn rewrites
"Return a list of the possible rewrites for this category."
(rule-rhs (select-keys grammar [category])))
;;; ==============================
(defn generate
"Generate a random sentence or phrase"
(cond (vector? phrase)
(mapcat generate phrase)
(seq (rewrites phrase))
(generate (rand-nth (rewrites phrase)))
(list phrase)))
(generate :sentence)
; => (One example)
; ("Kim" "saw" "Pat")
;;; ==============================
(defn generate-tree
"Generate a random sentence or phrase,
with a complete parse tree."
(cond (vector? phrase)
(map generate-tree phrase)
(seq (rewrites phrase))
(cons phrase
(generate-tree (rand-nth (rewrites phrase))))
:else (list phrase)))
(generate-tree :sentence)
; => (one example)
; (:sentence (:noun-phrase (:Article "the")
; (:Adj*)
; (:Noun "ball")
; (:PP*))
; (:verb-phrase (:Verb "liked")
; (:noun-phrase
; (:Name "Robin"))
; (:PP*)))
;;;; ==============================
(defn combine-all
"Return a list of lists formed by appending a y to an x.
E.g., (combine-all '((a) (b)) '((1) (2)))
-> ((A 1) (B 1) (A 2) (B 2))."
[xlist ylist]
(mapcat (fn [y]
(map (fn [x] (concat x y)) xlist))
;; TODO: There is a bug in generate-all. For sentences that are constructed out of noun-phrase
;; or verb-phrases the resulting sentences are displayed in characters.
(defn generate-all
"Generate a list of all possible expansions of this phrase.
Only works for non-recursive grammars."
(cond (vector? phrase)
(combine-all (generate-all (first phrase))
(mapcat generate-all (rest phrase)))
(seq (rewrites phrase))
(mapcat generate-all (rewrites phrase))
(list phrase)))
The translation between the different built-in methods and difference in behavior between Clojure and Common Lisp cost me quite some time, but it was worth it: I know more about Clojure than I did before, and I have a working sentence generator.
The lessons from the chapter are:
programming (where data drives what a program does next) makes it easy to extend functionality of a program just by adding new input data.In the parser above simple-grammar
and bigger-grammar
both work without having the program to change).generate-tree
and generate-all
programs are example of one-data/multiple-program: slight changes lead to different related functionality.generate-all
is not fully functional since somehow the words are cut down into characters when they are created by a verb-phrase
or noun-phrase
. Perhaps that problem will somehow be solved in the exercises.
The source code with unit tests is available at
Write a version of generate
that uses cond
but avoids calling rewrites
Instead of checking it the rewrites are non-empty, in our way of defining the grammar (using the native Clojure map) we can perform the same check by checking if the phrase is a keyword:
(defn generate
"Generate a random sentence or phrase"
(cond (vector? phrase) (mapcat generate phrase)
(keyword? phrase) (generate (rand-nth (rewrites phrase)))
:else (list phrase)))
Write a version of generate
that explicitly differentiates between terminal symbols (those with no rewrite rules) and non-terminal symbols.
Just extract a method and provide it with a meaningful name.
(defn non-terminal?
"Determines if a phrase is non terminal."
(keyword? phrase))
(defn generate
"Generate a random sentence or phrase"
(cond (vector? phrase) (mapcat generate phrase)
(non-terminal? phrase) (generate (rand-nth (rewrites phrase)))
:else (list phrase)))
Write a trivial grammer for some other language. This can be a natural language other than English, or perhaps a subset of a computer language.
A subset of "Clojure":
(def simple-clj-grammar
"A grammar for a trivial subset of Clojure"
{:code [[:definition-phrase :function-definition]]
:definition-phrase [[:definition :names :docstring]]
:function-definition [[:library-definitions :parameter-types]]
:definition #{"defn"}
:docstring #{"wtf?" "TODO"}
:names #{"my-method" "awesome?" "change-it!"}
:library-definitions #{"map" "mapcat" "inc" "dec"}
:parameter-types #{"string" "int" "long" "bool"}})
One way of describing combine-all
is that it calculates the cross-product of the function append
on the argument lists. Write the higher-order function cross-product
, and define combine-all
in terms of it. The moral is to make your code as general as possible, because you never know what you may want to do with it next.
It is possible to write cross-product using a for-comprehension:
(defn cross-product
"Calculates the cross product."
[f coll1 coll2]
(if (empty? coll1)
(for [x coll1
y coll2]
(f x y))))
(defn combine-all
[xlist ylist]
(cross-product concat xlist ylist))
The cross-product function in use:
(cross-product + '(1 2 3) '(10 20 30))
; => '(11 21 31
; 12 22 32
; 13 23 33)))
(cross-product list '(a b) '(1 2))
; => '((a 1) (a 2) (b 1) (b 2))))))
That was a full day of work. I will start with Chapter 3 tomorrow.